0:27:03: Q1 what will a good metric to measure the distance between the descriptors between two keypoints? ANS:hamming
0:28:26: Q2 what is the hamming distance between A and B below? ANS: 3
0:34:53: Q3 Is this transformation affine? ANS: No
0:38:50: Q4 how many equations per match? ANS: 2
0:41:04: Q5. how mnay matches do we need to solve a,b,c,d,e,f? ANS: 3
0:43:08: Q6. what are the six numbers below? ANS: 0 0 0 x y 1 or 000xy1
0:45:46: Q7. do you know the answer for x here? ANS:
0:48:25: Q8 what is (At)^T? ANS: t^T A^T OR t’A’
0:56:55: Q9 What is partial (a^T t)/ partial t_1 ? ANS: a1
0:59:20: Q10 what is grad (b^T A t)? ANS: A^T b
1:18:49: Q11 what my a should be? ANS: 1,0,…,0