Quiz questions


  • 0:09:37: Q1. What is partial Z/partial Wo? ANS: -1

  • 0:11:12: Q2 What is the local derivative (from 4 to -2)? ANS: 1

  • 0:21:01: Q3 What would be partial Lpartial x if partial Lpartial y = 1 and x>0? ANS: 1

  • 0:23:55: Q4 What if x=-1 rather than 1? ANS: 0

  • 0:29:16: Q5. What do you expect partial L/partial x to be in this case? ANS: \(\frac{d L}{d y_1}\frac{d y_1}{d x} + \frac{d L}{d y_2}\frac{d y_2}{d x}\)

  • 0:41:24: Q6 What is dimension of partial q_1/partial W? ANS: 2x2

  • 0:44:59: Q7 Do you know what is partial q1/partial W? ANS: \(\begin{pmatrix}0.2 & 0.4\\0 & 0\end{pmatrix}\)

  • 0:49:29: Q8 What is partial q_1/partial x? ANS: [0.1; 0.5]

  • 0:53:34: Q9 what is partial L/partial x? ANS: [-0.112; 0.636]