Some math stuffs
Linear algebra from Khan Academy
Calculus from Khan Academy
Python materials
Dive into Python
Python and Numpy tutorial by Justin Johnson
Numpy for Matlab users
Springboard Machine Learning Course in Python
Lua/Torch7 materials
Machine learning tutorials for Torch7
Torch Opencv demo
Caffe Zoo and wiki
Caffe layer catalog
Netscope: neural network architecture visualization (Use editor directly)
Caffe prototxt generator
Kaggle competition
Hillary Clinton's emails
Scott Pruitt's emails
ASL Sequential Dataset
Leon Bottou
Ilya Sutskever
Ross Girshick: One of the inventor of deformable part model and the author of Fast R-CNN
Google research blog
Sebastian Ruder's blog
Andrej Karpathy's blog
the morning paper
[ICML2016] Ask a Workshop Anything: Deep Learning Workshop Session 1: The Small Data Regime
[ICML2016] Ask a Workshop Anything: Deep Learning Workshop Session 2: Simulation-based Learning
Interesting posts/videos
Geoffrey Hinton talk “What is wrong with convolutional neural nets ?”
A novel approach to neural machine translation
Heroes of Deep Learning: Andrew Ng interviews Geoffrey Hinton
Heroes of Deep Learning: Andrew Ng interviews Yoshua Bengio
Geoffrey Hinton: The Godfather of Deep Learning
Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality
Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels
Pushing the frontier of computer vision by Christian Szegedy
Google AI duet
Hessian-free optimization
A first look of how googles self-driving car handles city streets
Structuring your tensorflow models
On word embeddings
Transfer learning
Debug Torch with Zerobrane
Adversarial learning inference
Why is Baidu sharing its secret self-driving sauce
Demystifying Deep Reinforcement Learning
Capsule Networks
What is a CapsNet or Capsule Network?
Understanding Hinton’s Capsule Networks. Part I: Intuition
Understanding Hinton’s Capsule Networks. Part II: How Capsules Work
Capsule Networks: An Improvement to Convolutional Networks
Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Some cool open source
Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets
Torch plugin for Unreal Engine 4
Writing with Transformers