Quiz questions


  • 0:09:43: Q1 if H(V|S) > H(V|G) => pick S or G? ANS: G

  • 0:12:43: Q2 Pr(G=Y)? ANS: 3/8

  • 0:13:29: Q3 H(V|G=N)? ANS: H(3/5)

  • 0:21:09: Q4 H(V|S=?) is? ANS: 1

  • 0:49:10: Q5. what is H(X_Delta) - h(X)? ANS: -log(delta)

  • 0:56:31: Q6. What is H(Y|X)? ANS: H(p)

  • 1:00:29: Q7. What is the maximum value of H(Y)? ANS: 1

  • 1:10:17: Q8. what is max h(Y) when no constraint on X? ANS: inf

  • 1:39:41: Q9 what is the maximum \(\sigma_Y^2\)? ANS: \(P_X + \sigma_z^2\)

  • 1:41:02: Q10. what is the maximum \(h(Y)\)? ANS: \(\frac{1}{2} \log_2(2 \pi e (\sigma_z^2+P_X))\)

  • 1:49:14: Q11 for a band limited signal with bandwidth W, how many sample per second needed to reconstruct the signal? ANS: 2W

  • 2:11:43: Q12, what is the exponent? ANS: I(X;Y)