Quiz questions


  • 0:00:55: Q3. What is probability that order is exactly ABCDEF? ANS: 1/720

  • 0:03:11: Q4. what is the probability of ABC assigned to team black? ANS: 16C3 = 120 = 0.05

  • 0:12:05: Q5. What is the probability of getting 3 whites with 6 draws? ANS: 6C3 * (14)^3 * (34)^3

  • 0:20:03: Q6. what is the probability drawing from Jar A? ANS: (14)^3*(34)^3 ( (14)^3(34)^3 + (12)^6 )

  • 0:34:21: Q7 E[X^2]? ANS: \(1/6 (1+4+9+16+25+36) \)

  • 0:42:11: Q8. What is E[X bar{X}]? ANS: E[X]^2

  • 0:55:35: Q9. PX|YZ (1|0,0)? ANS: 0

  • 1:12:58: Q10. Should the guest pick the remaining door? ANS: Yes

  • 1:15:22: Q11 what is the probability of winning if he picks the remaining door? ANS: 2/3