Quick guide to library resource

For IEEE articles,

Go to libraries.ou.edu
→ Click LORA (next to Home on the red title banner just below "The University of Oklahoma Libraries")
→ login on your left side
→ Search for IEEE in "Search for LORA Resource"
→ You will get more than 1000 resources found, click Databases
→ click IEEE Electronic Library Online

This will get you to IEEExplore via the library proxy. You will be able to search and download papers for free.

For SPIE articles,

I rarely use SPIE database, but from LORA you can search for SPIE database and access its article for free as well.

For theses and dissertations,

Go to LORA again, but type in Proquest. When you get to the proquest database,
in database menu, select "Interdisciplinary-Dissertations & Theses". You should be able to get access to most of the recent theses and dissertations from US institutions this way.

Another database you may want to try out is Inspec. I used it quite a lot before the IEEExplore era. But I don't use it as often now.