


Some useful (research or not) tools. I haven't make any changes for the list for a decade. And it is interesting to see how things change over the years. So I keep the old list as well. Maybe I will create another list of my daily used tools a decade later.

List created in 12/2016

  • Arxiv-sanity: very neat way to find relevant papers on arxiv
  • Dropbox: can't survive without this
  • Ubuntu: I have moved away from Windows for many years now
  • VirtualBox: I need this when I need Windows stuff
  • Wine: it is handy if the program can be run on wine
  • Brackets: for html editing
  • Kile: for latex editing
  • PDF-XChange: a free pdf reader with commenting capability and works on all platforms (needs wine for linux)
  • BaKoMa: WYSIWYG latex editor. But it is not free
  • Python: satisfy my daily scripting need
  • Lua: another handy scripting language, good for game programming and interface well with C
  • Jupyter: mathematica like multi-language editor. Very handy for programming notes
  • Pycharm: a pretty good Python IDE. Better than Spyder IMHO
  • Evernote: a good tools for note. Can sync across platform
  • Freeplane: a mindmap software, very handy to organize thought
  • Docear: not perfect but my favorite reference manager at the moment
  • Write: an android app for hand-written note
  • ffmpeg: very handy to convert videos and for screen capture
  • audacity: process audio, especially remove noise from captured video
  • App Inventor: a simple tool to create android app
  • Corona API: another way to create android app (especially 2D game) with Lua
  • Git: version control
  • Sage: open source Mathematica

List created 10 years ago

  • Cygwin: very very powerful, pretty much includes everything one needs
  • ActivePerl: an alternative for the unusable Windows batch shell
  • ImageJ: a good Java library to build image processing software
  • Irfanview: a small and fast image viewer
  • Eclipse: very good IDE for Java and beyond
  • NetBeans: seems even better than Eclipse but I never tried it before yet
  • TortoiseSVN: subversion (version control tool) client for Windows
  • Netlib: a collection of mathematical softwares, papers, and databases
  • Miktex: Latex for Windows, can't live without it
  • LaTexEditor: a very good (and free) editor for LaTex
  • JabRef: reference manager like EndNote. But is free.

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