Due on Feb 29
Please write the Harris corner detector from scratch.
Your implementation should include
compute the cornerness score of every pixel in the input image
threshold the cornerness score to create a mask of corners
non-maximum suppression to keep only local maximum of cornerness score
Extra credit (+40%): derive a cornerness score in terms of element of \(M = \begin{pmatrix} a & c\\
c & b \end{pmatrix}\) for Shi-Tomashi algorithm. That is, express the cornerness score \(\min\{\lambda_1, \lambda_2\}\) in terms of \(a, b, c\), and \(d\), where \(\lambda_1\), \(\lambda_2\) are eigenvalues of \(M\)
Extra credit (+10%): implement the Shi-Tomashi algorithm. You just need to modify the cornerness score.
Please test you code on this image.
As usual, please submit source code and screenshot(s) of source code and your resulting image.
You are free to use either MATLAB or OpenCV/numpy/Python.
If you are really stuck, please watch the lecture video again. You can find a solution inside.